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Our Approach

1. Cause areas

Our priority cause areas for 2025 are


In the UK

  • influencing climate policy.

  • preventing pollution of the natural environment.


In low and lower-middle income countries

  • relief of extreme poverty and physical suffering.

  • early stage literacy and numeracy.


2. Objective

Our objective is to fund the most impactful charitable activities within these priority cause areas.


3. Grantmaking

This year, new recipients will normally be offered grants in the range £5K - £10K. We don’t invite applications. Instead we will engage with an organisation, often following a personal recommendation, to understand its activities and how it is run. We offer funding to those organisations we believe are able to use their resources most effectively.


We like funding work which is neglected by other funders, and are willing to fund activity which we consider has a small chance of having a very high impact, even where there is a risk of no positive outcome.


We fund well-managed organisations with a turnover of less than £1 million. They will typically be either grass-roots or founder-led. We prefer to support organisations that are focussed on doing a small number of very effective things well. The organisations we support will be able to clearly explain the problem(s) they seek to address and why they are important, know why their solution is the best one, and evidence their theory of change.


4. What next?

We seek to build relationships with recipients of our funding and enhance our understanding of their activities and their overall effectiveness. We hope this will give us the confidence to provide a greater level of support in future years where required, if our evaluation shows that our funds have been used effectively.

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